I was driving to my dog’s obedience training last week when I stopped at a light and wondered why I felt so worn out. I thought about my day. I’d woken up at 5 a.m. to work out, drove to work and worked just about non-stop until 5 pm. I’d driven home and worked on the blog a bit, and got dinner started. I ate while I checked on a few more things for the blog. Then I’d rushed out the door after noticing the huge hole in Sadie’s bed that I made a mental note to sew up when I got home.
I sat at that light and thought to myself- when was the last time I stopped? When was the last time I sat down and watched TV or a movie? When was the last time I did something with no other motive than to just enjoy it? When was the last time I treated myself to a manicure, or laid outside to soak up some sun just because the weather was nice?
When was the last time I was still?
I’m the type of person that always wants to be doing, always wants to be learning and always wants to be going. Always wanting more, always wanting to push myself to be the best I can be. Maybe you’re that way too. Maybe you can’t sit still through a movie because your mind wanders to all the productive things you could be doing.
Maybe you take each precious minute that you have a break and try to fit something into it. If I have ten minutes, I’ll use it to unload the dishwasher or tidy up the living room. I’ll use it to organize my purse or plan my snacks out for the next day. Does this sound like you, too?
When was the last time you were still?
When was the last time you weren’t planning, doing, making, or going?
I honestly can’t remember. I stuff all I can into each day until it’s bursting at the seams and then there’s still things that I wanted to do that aren’t done. I set my alarm for 7 am on the weekends because I want to get all I can out of the day. Do you do this too? Can we agree together to make a conscious effort to just be still?
Be still early in the morning. Be still at lunch time and eat outside instead of inside staring at your phone. Be still at home with your husband or boyfriend or roommate as you cook dinner together and chat about your day. Be still.
Take a step back from going, doing, making, learning. Take a step back from the nonstop pace you’re living your life. Show yourself some grace, some kindness. It’s okay. You will not fall behind in this thing we call life.
This is the last time I was still. Over four weeks ago. I was so in awe of the beauty of this landscape that God created. Isn’t it funny that it takes something so big, spectacular and magnificent just to get us to slow down? Sometimes things will happen to slow us down that aren’t so pleasant. A health diagnosis. A sick loved one. An accident. Something that makes you realize that life is fragile, and your to-do list and goldfish covered car seat pale in comparison to what’s really important.
Maybe it’s been longer than four weeks since you were still. Maybe you’ve been going at this breakneck speed since college, or since your first job or child, and you never paused to take a breath. Friend, take a breath. Close your eyes. Listen to the sound of your breathing. Feel your chest rising and falling. Listen to what’s around you. Be present in the moment you’re in.
Be still.
Find this feeling more often. Find it in the midst of the chaos that is your day. Find it when you’re taking a break at work, or waiting on a bench before class.
Close your eyes. Breathe.
One morning this week I got back from my workout at 6 a.m. already feeling like I was behind on the day. I walked back into the apartment and saw the boxes to the Christmas decorations that should have been put up a week ago. I saw the laundry piled on top of the dryer that had yet to be folded from Sunday. I saw the dirty dishes next to the sink and the hole in Sadie’s bed that I’d yet to sew up.
And instead of doing anything at all, I laid down on the floor and was still. I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing. I prayed that God would help me be content with what was around me instead of always wanting to fix things. I prayed that God would help me to extend myself some grace. I prayed that God would help me to slow down.
Maybe you need this prayer too today.
Be still. Breathe. You’re getting along just fine, friend.
Dear Jess,
I feel as though I have been going breakneck speed since my twenties (66 now). Thank you for your message. I will accept your invitation to just stop and breath.
Merry Christmas to you and yours,