Flash forward to the next day as we’re getting ready for the wedding. My bridesmaids and I are having our hair and make up done, and I keep noticing that our coordinator is pulling my maid of honor out of the room to talk. After she ducked out a few times, she came in with a cell phone and said it was for me.
Now I was really nervous. I was certain someone had been in an accident or someone had an emergency. Was my fiance ok? Was my dad hurt? Was the preacher not coming? I imagined the worst.
It was my wedding coordinator, telling me that her van and everything in it had been stolen overnight. She had been working with the police since 7 a.m. but they had no luck recovering anything so far.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
In tears, she said, “I’ve never ruined anyone’s wedding day before,”
“You have not ruined my wedding day, I promise.” I quickly told her. “You’re safe and my family is safe and I’m still marrying my fiance today. You have not ruined my wedding day.”
She asked me to make up a list of what I remembered that I had given her so that they could try to replace what they could in the next three hours. I wrote that up quickly and sent it off to her (and did NOT tell my mom what was going on.) I didn’t tell her until the end of the night because I didn’t want her to be upset. I did tell my dad, who mostly had the same attitude as me.
I was a little shaken up, mostly because this seemed like it should be a big deal. I asked my maid of honor to get my fiance so I could tell him what happened. I wasn’t done up yet or dressed or anything, so I was okay with seeing him. We talked outside and I told him everything that had happened. He shrugged and said, “Well, we’re still getting married right?” I laughed. From that point on I didn’t worry about a thing.

As beautiful as it is, your wedding is just a day. What really matters the most is you’re starting a life with your significant other.
In the end, no one will remember your tablecloths or photo booth props or the favor they took home. They’ll remember the smile on your face after you said “I do.” They’ll remember the look on your husband’s face when he first saw you turn down the aisle. They’ll remember the best moments of all.
thanks for reading,
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